Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Depending on product, Single Product Page does not load propertly and generates errors

We have products with several variations. In some cases the single product page does not load propertly. Image never finish loading and page indicates several errors.

If I deactivate the plugin, the products load perfectly.

I have this issue with several products/variations and the way to partially solve the problem is to reduce the variation images. But it is not the way I want to pursue as the plugin should work with any number of images.


HELI-MSS Error.jpg HELI-MSS Error 2.jpg

Shahin Sid

Hello Ricardo Donino,

I can see you have some console errors in your product page which is coming from WC Product Reviews plugin. Could you please, remove this plugin and check if the problem solves or not?


Shahin Sid

Hello Ricardo Donino,

Please, check this video: https://www.loom.com/share/d3403238e03f4cb084c037720be259c2

I can see, there are tons of errors in the console! All these are happening because using very older versions of plugins. In your website, lots of plugins are very older version. Please, update them all to the latest version. It’s very important for you to make your website compatible with everything.

The errors are coming from various plugins. If you read them carefully, you will notice.


Good afternoon,

It seems you only checked on a product in which the plugin does not work. You checked the following link:


All those errors you filmed were generated by this plugin. As an example, I have deleted the gallery images of variations #26151, #26152 and #26153 from the same product and all the errors disappeared.

Now you can check the same product and you will not find errors.

I don’t believe the problem is on the quantity of variation gallery images per product, as the plugin should work regardless of it.

Most of the products works fine: For example:


It has 99 variations with at least 3 variation gallery images each.

Other product in which the plugin work and does not produce errors is:


It has 9 variations with at least 2 variation gallery images each.

Those products does not produce errors when browsing.

On the contrary products with 27 variations like the ones shown below doesn’t seem to work and create many errors on the console:




If I delete some of the variation images, the errors disappear.

As there are many products that work OK and are shown without errors, I cannot tell that the problem is caused by other plugins.

Shahin Sid

Hello Ricardo Donino,

On the contrary products with 27 variations like the ones shown below doesn’t seem to work and create many errors on the console:




You must have to console errors to make it work fine. There are lots of console errors coming from other plugins.



If I deactivate your plugin, all console errors dissapear, therefore your plugin is the one creating those errors.

As I am not receiving solutions from your side, I have deleted some variation images to solve the problem in most of my products.

If you check the following product:


I don’t know the cause of generation of all those errors and the most simple explanation is that your plugin is the cause. If I deactivate your plugin, all those errors dissapear.

I sincerely don’t know how to solve this issue other than deleting variation images (which I don’t want to) or deactivating your plugin.

It would be very meaningful if there is a way to understand why this plugin works in most products and some others don’t.

In case you can’t help me solve this issue, I will ask for a refund.



Ahmed Ehsaan

Hi Ricardo,

I am the developer of this plugin, Could you add me here on Skype?

My Skype email address is: [email protected]

Please add me and say hi. I am waiting for you there to quickly squash your issue.
