Hello Michael Bell,
Please, give me your website link. I will check.
Hello Michael Bell,
Please, give me your website link. I will check.
Thanks shamser
username: getwoo
P/W: z*UefuQq9nFqvch^n!muNAwT
Hello Michael Bell,
I have added this custom CSS and your problem solved: https://prnt.sc/xr79qe – Please, confirm me.
On the other hand please, update your WooCommerce and Variation Swatches for WooCommerce – Pro plugins to the latest version. You are using older versions.
Removing swatch from homepage but keeping them on product pages
Michael Bell
Hi Team,
I have a website www.ohmyloveboutique.com and I have had your product for a number of years. I love the swatches on the product / catalogue page however I’m trying to remove the swatches on my homepage product sliders.
Is there a way I can remove this off the homepage without affecting the product / catalogue pages?
Thank you.