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Sync variation swatch images on secondary language (WPML)

Phet Maly

Hey guys,

In this page we can see the variation swatch images: https://www.bebluebijoux.com/produit/be-safe/

But the on the second language (https://www.bebluebijoux.com/en/produit/be-safe/) the images are nos displaying.

Be-Safe-Beblue-Bijoux-et-Accessoires (1).jpg






Ahmed Ehsaan

Hi Phet,

I am the developer of this plugin, Could you add me here on Skype?

My Skype email address is: [email protected]

Please add me and say hi. I am waiting for you there to quickly squash your issue.


Phet Maly

Hi Ahmed,

Does the latest version 1.1.8 resolve this issue? If it does, other then updating the plugin, is there other steps I need to take to make it work? Because I still can’t display the swatches in english: https://www.bebluebijoux.com/en/produit/be-safe/




Ahmed Ehsaan

Could you set up WPML on our testing site? and reproduce it. We’ll try to add the feature in the coming version.



Thank you

Ahmed Ehsaan

Hi Phet,

Unfortunately, the domain is compromised.

I’ve created an exclusive subdomain by your name. Could you reproduce it again


Username: admin

Password: e8#U#RvTpkRSkh7qfB

Thank You

Phet Maly

Hi Ahmed,

I’ve added the setup for you. Please see following product:

French: https://wptestbox.com/phet/?product=be-accomplished

English: https://wptestbox.com/phet/?product=be-accomplished&lang=en

Also, please see this video of how I created the swatches and the translation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YsqfRcdJDpdeRfB0f05a8vHhXtCSa42S/view?usp=sharing


Phet Maly


Any news on this issue?



Ahmed Ehsaan

Hi Phet,

Somehow the server was crushed.

I’ve created a fresh installation only for..

Login here: https://wptestbox.com/wpml/wp-admin/

username: admin

password: FG3eyLYY28mkyk5na7

Try to reproduce me again, please.
what is your skype ID?

Thank you

Phet Maly

Hey any news on this issue? Please let me know if I can do anything else to help. This issue is starting to get urgent for us…

Phet Maly

Hey guys, still didn’t get any news about this issue. Was it fix in the most recent update? If so, I did not see it in the change log…

Here is my Skype live:phet_maly_1 or [email protected]

Ahmed Ehsaan

Don’t worry we are on it. The team is working to fix it.

Thank you