Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation For Free? Download Now

In single product page Image variations does not work as it should

I would like it to work as seen in the video in your documentation.

That only the image is changed, not the price



How it works on my site vs as seen in the documentation.

If I select only the color the price should not be shown but it appears on my site

Video of the bug on my site


Shahin Sid

Hello Lorenzo Rota Sperti,

The issue you have reported actually is not related to our plugin. The price and image changing is handled by the WooCommerce plugin.

The job of our plugin to replace variation select dropdown into swatches.


It is related to your plugin!
if I deactivate your plugin everything works correctly.

When I click on the variation buttons of your plugin the behavior is not correct.

While if I select the color from the drop-down menu with your plugin disabled the price is not shown until all the choices are made.

The bug only occurs with the plugin active


look at this

Shahin Sid

Hello Lorenzo Rota Sperti,

I could reproduce the issue in my test platform as well. I have reported this to the developer team and they are working on this to fix it.

Please, allow us some time. I hope we will be able to release an update soon.
