Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Issue with Variation Swatches

Prem Lata

Products are Variation Product. Product Images Changes Per Colour Selected.

We have other attributes also which is used for creating Variation like Size and Measurement.

Images are set only for Color Attribute.

Now the problem is If we select a Color Image changes only if All other attributes are selected as Select an Option. For any of the other attributes if any other value is selected Images are not changed. This issue is too big a issue that our website is as good as not working.

Our requirement is Images should change only based on Attribute Color and it should not have any dependency with other attributes. We are using following Plugins from you

Additional Variation Images Gallery for WooCommerce Pro

Variation Swatches for WooCommerce – Pro

Please see if we are missing something or any change can be made to achieve this.

Tanvirul Haque

Hi Prem,

Please make sure you are using the latest version of the WooCommerce https://prnt.sc/wz16o3 and let me know your reported issue has been fixed or not in this latest update?

Thank You

Prem Lata

No the issue is not resolve. It is still there. It is with plugin and not with Woocommerce. Still updated Woocommerce and still issue is there.

Prem Lata

We have done a lot of checks and found that problem is with Choose an Option Variable for an Variation Attribute. If we can remove Choose an Option completey from the variation Attributes and system should Select the default Set either manually or automatically the problem will go. Choose an Option should not be there at all.

This can be achived by Plugin Force Default Variant and by Coding but the problem is it is not selecting the Defalut set manually also.

The Solution in my mind is

Remove Choose an Option
It should select the first Attribute value or manually set default.
If the Option Choose an Option will be removed it will select the Gallery images after clicking on different Colors button.

Tanvirul Haque

Hi Prem,

Thanks for reaching us. We are sorry for your inconvenience.

Could you give me an exact page URL as an example where you are facing the issue so that I can run the investigation on that?

Thank you

Prem Lata

Please find the link


As you can see since different variants are selected Images are not changing. It will change if Default Choose an Option is Selected but the problem here is Choose Default Option is not available for Attribute type Image.


If Choose an Option is Sleected for all Images will change. It will also change if all the variation are Selected with any value but it will not change if even for one attribute value is choose an option is Seleted.


Same here change the last value to Choose an Option then Images will change based on color.

So what is required here is

Choose an Option is removed completely
1st Value of Attribute should be forced as Default or Manual Selected value.