Hi Dragan,
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
We are working to fix the issue as WooCommerce just released the 4.9.0 version.
Could you rollback to the 1.1.2 version for the free and premium version? Here is the tutorial on how you can rollback: https://www.loom.com/share/2d8bc9351e864e1d964e319e27564250
We are working. We are trying to fix the issue as soon as possible. For now please rollback.
Thank You
Swatches not working after Woocommerce update
Dragan Blom
Hi, just updated Woo, now there’s no more buying a variation of a product since it shows no stock underneath. All swatches light up hard, where the ones that have no stock should be dim lit. Site is under construction so link doesn’t work. www.fgms.nl