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Plugin not workiring with product scroll load

joe le

Hi Team
I have installed swatches plugin on my website https://mrgreen.delivery/. everything is working fine.

but on the shop page or category page i use the products loading on scroll. there this plugin is not wroking please check this on https://mrgreen.delivery/product-category/flowers/.

please check in the screenshot when it load first time
and this is the second screenshot when products load on scrolling using ajax

i want to work this properly on ajax loading too.

Please test it on https://mrgreen.delivery/product-category/flowers/ with scrolling







Tanvirul Haque

Hi Joe,

Thanks for reaching us.

We need an event from your “Load More Product” plugin should be triggered after new posts are loaded.

Just send this plugin to your plugin developer: https://wordpress.org/plugins/malinky-ajax-pagination/

And ask them to send trigger like following as the Malinky Ajax Pagination plugin provides.
document.addEventListener(‘malinkyLoadPostsComplete’, function(e) {

Like this filter plugin: https://woocommerce.com/products/product-filters/
jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ){
// Your code in here
jQuery(window).on(‘wcpf_update_products’, function () {

Thank You

joe le

Hi Tanvirul haque,
Thanks for the reply.
Can you please check this screenshot to add the code https://prnt.sc/whzuyq.


Tanvirul Haque

Hello Joe,

Could you please check again, I have fixed the issue https://prnt.sc/wi24v5


joe le

Thanks Tanvirul Haque its working.

joe le

hi Any one is here ??

to check this


Tanvirul Haque

Hello Joe,

You are using lots of backdated plugin, could you please update those plugins? https://prnt.sc/xa4u4u
