Hello Above Second,
NL in Chrome: https://prnt.sc/whasj7
FR in Chrome: https://prnt.sc/whasx4
I can’t see any difference in Chrome. Please, make sure you are using the latest version of the Free ( 1.1.2 ) and PRO ( 1.1.2 ) plugins.
Hello Above Second,
NL in Chrome: https://prnt.sc/whasj7
FR in Chrome: https://prnt.sc/whasx4
I can’t see any difference in Chrome. Please, make sure you are using the latest version of the Free ( 1.1.2 ) and PRO ( 1.1.2 ) plugins.
layout problem in chrome for swatches
Above Second
I have 2 websites (houtbehandeling.be and traitement-du-bois.be) both identical but one is Dutch and other is French. Both have same settings same plugins, template, same missing template pages etc…
I experience problem only for FR in Chrome, not for FR in Firefox or NL in Chrome/Firefox.
Look for this product in NL website : https://houtbehandeling.be/product/demi-dekk-vindu/
Compare with this product in FR website : https://traitement-du-bois.be/produit/demi-dekk-vindu/
Open in Chrome and Firefox.
Why are swatches for FR not working in Chrome as the swatches in the NL website in Chrome or Firefox?
Thanks for replying.
Roeland Sanctorum