Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Hover or Flip Fade automatically Variation Images of Single Product

I want to buy this Pro plugin but first need to know if this plugin can do what i need. I have setup variation images in Products single pages and need to fade/slide or flip automatic the images i setup. I’ve bought now 4 plugins they all say yes we can but nothing works?!

see product: https://dibv.nl/product/painting-the-past-colors/

Hi Support,


Sorry it takes a long time to see download this plugin but now i got it and it works fine, only i want to change the height and width setting of the variation images is that possible and many thanks for all great help

Shahin Sid

Hello Peter van den Berg,

 i want to change the height and width setting of the variation images

Could you please, give me a screenshot of the section in which you are trying to customize the height and width?


Problem variation doesn’t show up anymore..

I make a new product with all attributes and 2 with incl. images gold and coffee, but my variation slides doesn’t work anymore with new pro plugin


Login: https://dibv.nl/wp-login.php

Userid: thuisindriessen

Password: wb6H5n!B2T

also got some strange text displays of variatons/attributes under all after activating key of pro plugin