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Cannot use description in Tooltip

Marco Moretti


Problem 1:

I recently purchased Variation Swatches plugin from you under the belief that I could use the attribute description for Tooltip text. I have mine set to buttons and the text field is empty. I assumed this would show Description in tooltip? But it doesn’t.  Instead what I have to do is use an image that is basically just text.  See my workaround here: https://pixelwings.com.au/product/waas-plan-customiser/.  Hover over the first attribute “Linode Micro” to see the image.

Problem 2:

I also thought that the Tooltip would support HTML such as <br><strong> etc.  That way I could make the attribute description rich text as it already supports that, but not your plugin in the Tooltip.

Many thanks


Shahin Sid

Hi Marco,

Unfortunately, the feature is not currently available..

​But it’s great idea. I’ve added it as feature request. I’ll discuss this feature with my team and make it available with the coming version.
