Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Multiple problems with Additional Variation Images Gallery For WooCommerce and Variation Swatches For WooCommerce


Everything is fixed right now with yesterday update of Variation Swatches. The plugin Additional Variation Images Gallery is still giving me some trouble with DIVI, but I think that I can handle it at the moment. If anything continuous going wrong I’ll open a ticket. Thank you so much!


Hi there!

Hope everything is fine,


I’ve purchased both Pro versions of Additional Variation Images Gallery for WooCommerce and Variation Swatches for Woocommerce.

I’m having several problems: product images are not changing on single product atribute selection. In my case, I want the gallery to change product with color. So I set up the plugin options like:




Next, I upload gallery product images for each colour variation:

Rosa apagado.PNG


variaciones verde.PNG

And let swatch product options like this:


propiedades swatches en producto.PNG

Now, the problems. If you go to my website product example: https://urika.es/producto/jersey-de-punto-bicolor/ you will see the default product (the pink one), if you change color atribute nothing happens.


misma foto en verde.PNG

misma foto en rosa.PNG


Further, if you use the atribute “CLEAN” option (the text LIMPIAR, in green colour under TALLA (SIZE)) , the gallery shows nothing, and if you pick up some color, nothing happens until you chose a size too:


Sin cambios en rosa.PNG


Sin cambios en verde.PNG


Moreover, when I go to my product page to edit variation, or add gallery images, etc. the plugin comes in trouble with DIVI editor and this happens:

bad getaway.PNG

And then my webpages breaks for almost a minute. And I think it’s because the variation images plugin breaks the Divi plugin, because if you go to de DIVI editor in this pages you can see that the product image never loads:


This doesn’t happen if the aditional images plugin is disabled, but I need it because I have several images of each product.

Sorry, I tried to explain my problems the best using images. I hope you can give me a solution so I can go on building products on my page and start selling as soon as possible due to this pandemic situation.


Thank you so much!! I’ll be here for anything you need.



Tanvirul Haque

Hello Catalina Perea Dominguez,

Good to hear that your issue is now resolved? If you face any issue in the future feel free to open a ticket.
