Hi Markus,
Thanks for reaching out to us.
Displaying the main product thumbnail is a default behavior of our Gallery plugin.
We are working on a version where you can control this behavior.
But, we need some time to implement this. As it is on our development team, I am unable to give you a timeline.
Thank You
Issues with the function “Hide Main Product Image”
Markus Holzmann
Hello, this is Markus from Austria.
I am facing a problem with the function “Hide Main Product Image”. If I activate the checkbox “Remove main product image from gallery” then everything is fine on products with just one variation image. Pleae look to image 01.
But unfortunately one image (probably the main image) is missing as long as no attributes are selectes. Please look to image 02.
As soon as I select one attribute everythin is fine and all three images are shown. Please look to image 03.
When I deactivate the checkbox “Remove main product image from gallery” then I have a problem the other way round. Everything is fine with products and variants with more than one image. Evern though no attributes are selected all three images are availabe. Pleae look to image 04.
Everything is fine with products with only one image, too. But just as long as no attribute is selected. Please look to image 05.
But as soon as one attribute is selectes suddenly a second image is arising. As soon as an attribute is selected, a second photo suddenly appears. That is a problem. Please look to image 06.
Would you please help me out?