Hi rocco,
Thanks for reaching out to us.
Unfortunately, your given login details are not working from my end.
I use the Bridge theme and tryed different elementor products grid, but the swatches are not shown.
How can i solve?
If you are using Loop Grid Widget, you can try this shortcode- [wvs_show_archive_variation]
A second question, is there a way to show in the product grid the numbers of the variations and after (when the mouse is over them) the single swatches?
Unfortunately, you can’t hide all the swatches. But you can limit swatches, and the minimum value is 1, 0 means show all.
Thank You
Swatches in homepage
rocco lotito
Hi i see correctly the variation swatches under the products in the main shop page (and also in the single category pages).
I dont know hot to show the swatches in the homepage. I use the Bridge theme and tryed different elementor products grid, but the swatches are not shown.
How can i solve?
A second question, is there a way to show in the product grid the numbers of the variations and after (when the mouse is over them) the single swatches?
For example a ring in two colors, in the main shop page under the price the text “2 colors” and when the mouse is over the text, to show the 2 swatches circles?