Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Maxime Harte


I would like to adjust the design of the variation buttons on mobile devices.

On computers, I prefer them aligned to the left (which works with the current settings).

However, on mobile, I would like to center them.

Could you please provide me with the correct CSS class to achieve this?

Kind regards,

Golam Kibria

Hi Maxime,

I hope that you are doing great.

Please share a product page link where we can inspect this.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You

Golam Kibria

Hi Maxime,

Please try adding the following CSS to the customizer (Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS):

@media (max-width: 767px) {
.archive-variable-items.wvs-style-squared.variable-items-wrapper.button-variable-items-wrapper, .page-id-99126.woo-variation-swatches ul.variations>li {
justify-content: center;

Let me know if this helps achieve your goal.

Thank You