Hi Noemi,
Thanks for reaching out to us.
Can you first check with the default dropdown of WooCommerce?
If the emoji displays with the default WooCommerce dropdown it should display for swatches as well.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Thank You
Hi Noemi,
Thanks for reaching out to us.
Can you first check with the default dropdown of WooCommerce?
If the emoji displays with the default WooCommerce dropdown it should display for swatches as well.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Thank You
Hi Noemi,
Adding attributes is not a feature of our plugin, is a feature of WooCommerce itself.
Could you disable our Swatches plugin and check if it is working without our plugin or not?
Thank you
Ho disattivato il vostro plugin ma non tiene comunque il salvataggio, io vorrei creare dei bottoni come nell’immagine che allego testo + emoji
Hi Noemi,
As it is not working even without our plugin. We have no control over that.
Please contact WooCommerce support regarding this attribute-saving issue.
Thank You
EMOJI nelle varianti
Noemi Curti
Buongiorno, vorrei inserire le emoji vicino ai testi ad esempio “arcobaleno” in formato emoji e poi la scritta UNICORNO , ho provato ma quando salvo non la tiene