Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Problem with the plugin

Hello Variation Swatches Support Team,

I hope you’re doing well. We are currently using your Variation Swatches for WooCommerce (free version) on our online store and have encountered a challenge in setting up our variations.

🛠️ Our Context:

We sell hair toppers and wigs in a wide range of colors. However, we want to offer customers an additional filtering option that allows them to select a general tone first before choosing a specific color.

To illustrate what we are trying to achieve, we have attached a screenshot with an example of the functionality we are aiming for.

🚨 Current Issue:

  1. We created an attribute “Hair Tones” with options like Blacks, Browns, Blondes, etc.
  2. We created another attribute “Color”, where each specific color has its name and swatch.
  3. Each color variation is assigned to its corresponding tone (e.g., Jet Black → Black, Light Blonde → Blonde).
  4. However, WooCommerce requires selecting both attributes (tone and color), which is not intuitive for customers.

Our main issue is that customers should be able to filter by tone without being forced to select it. If they don’t choose a tone, they should still see all available colors.

❓ Question:

Is there any way to achieve this functionality within your plugin (free or PRO version)?
We want to avoid duplicating variations and ensure proper stock synchronization.

We appreciate any guidance on how we can implement this with your plugin.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best regards,

Golam Kibria

Hi Pablo,

Thanks a lot for your interest in our plugin.

You can group swatches with our premium version.

I believe that it will help you with this goal.

Here is how it works.

If you have more questions, please let us know.

Thank You