Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

URL’s with …/woo-variation-swatches/v1/…



If I look at Ranmath 404’s I see a lot of (presumably) your URL’s… They all contain “/woo-variation-swatches/v1/”

Please see this screenshot..


How do I get rid of this???


regards, Bruce




Hakik Zaman

Hi Watersports SA,

Thanks for getting back to us.

How many approximate variations do you have with each product?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You



Varies quite a bit. Impact vests sometimes come in 5 colours, 7 sizes (meaning around 30 variants), but there are not too many of those products.

Size, colour combinations can get quite large, but these only get high with kites, wetsuits and impact vests. The rest are low

The low will be 1 or 2 variants.

regards, Bruce


Hakik Zaman

Hi Watersports SA,

I have forwarded the screenshot to our development team.

They confirmed that the AdsBot is hitting the wrong URL.

The structure of our API URL: https://www.watersportswarehouse.co.za/wp-json/woo-variation-swatches/v1/archive-product/21369?_locale=user

But it is trying to hit the wrong URL: https://www.watersportswarehouse.co.za/brand/follow-wake/woo-variation-swatches/v1/archive-product/21369

We have also checked our plugin API URL is added as “noindex”.

So, please, check your Google Ads configuration.

Thank You

Hakik Zaman

Hi Watersports SA,

I don’t understand at all..??

Please check your screenshot again and the User-Agent column.

You will understand that it is trying the wrong URL of our plugin.

Thank You

Still don’t really understand. I see it’s mainly bots that report the issue. Buy why is this happening??? How to fix?


Also, what’s this “Clear swatches transient” that I see???

Hakik Zaman

Hi Watersports SA,

Still don’t really understand. I see it’s mainly bots that report the issue. Buy why is this happening??? How to fix?

We fetch variation data of a product using the API.

Our API link structure is like this for your site – https://www.watersportswarehouse.co.za/wp-json/woo-variation-swatches/v1/archive-product/21369?_locale=user

But Google AD Bot is trying a link that is almost similar to our Plugin’s API URL. But, it is trying to hit the wrong URL.

A new entry will be listed here on the “404 monitor tab” if I hit a link that doesn’t exist on your site.

This 404 means the link is not found. It is trying the wrong link that’s why it returns a 404 page. The report is generated by Rank Math and The Google AD Bot is trying the link.

So, it is a setting issue with Google AD or with the Rank Math plugin. You can contact Rank Math support, they could have a setting to avoid this kind of request.

Thank You

ok. I’ve excluded crawling  /woo-variation-swatches/v1/archive-product/ in Rankmath…

Then, any idea about

 “Clear swatches transient”

What should I do, and what is this?





Hakik Zaman

Hi Watersports SA,

You don’t have to worry about “Clear swatches transient”.

We have introduced this option in 2.12.

It helps to clear the transient of attribute terms.

If you face a translation issue, you can click on it to clear the transient.

Thank You



I want to re-open this ticket….

I’ve added links to my robots.txt so that google bots will not index these lnks, but it’s not really working…

However, lets look at one entry. (I can show a screenshot, but this is what it will say)

Refer:  https://www.watersportswarehouse.co.za/product/f-one-rocket-sup-downwind-pro-carbon-foil-board/ (a normal product…)

URI: https://www.watersportswarehouse.co.za/product/f-one-rocket-sup-downwind-pro-carbon-foil-board/woo-variation-swatches/v1/archive-product/21369 (This gives a 404)

Now my question… Why is my “product f-one rocket…” referring to a URL with “/woo-variation-swatches/v1/archive-product/21369” appended to the this product URL????

If I view the source of  https://www.watersportswarehouse.co.za/product/f-one-rocket-sup-downwind-pro-carbon-foil-board/, I don’t see any references to a URL with /woo-variation-swatches….etc.

So, what is causing this? and how do we prevent it from happening

thanks, Bruce





Hakik Zaman

Hi Watersports SA,

As I cleared it in my previous reply, the links, Google Bot is trying are not valid links.

I have already shared the valid API URL in this thread previously.

When you are on a single product page it is adding woo-variation-swatches/v1/archive-product/{product_id} with the single product page link.

Though it should like this /wp-json/woo-variation-swatches/v1/archive-product/{product_id}?_locale=user

So, please recheck your “adsbot” configuration. Because it is the initiator (user-agent) of those links.

I could request our development team again if it was initiated by our plugin.

As it is initiated by the GoogleBot, we are unable to help with this.

I hope you will understand.

Thank You

Hi Hakik

How do I do this??? I’ve never configured anything for this?

So, please recheck your “adsbot” configuration.

Also, why would the google bot follow an invalid link?

I’ve added this code into my robots.txt, but nothing has changed (i.e. the code seems to do nothing)
User-agent: Googlebot
Disallow: /woo-variation-swatches/v1/
User-agent: AdsBot-Google
Disallow: /woo-variation-swatches/v1/

regards, Bruce

Hakik Zaman

Hi Watersports SA,

How do I do this??? I’ve never configured anything for this?

Unfortunately, I don’t have enough experience with the Google Ad Bot.

Please contact an expert on the robots.txt file.

Thank You