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Not able to click on swatches

Dear sir, madam,

Since shortly, it is not possible to select a product variation and I have no clue how to fix this.

When you get to https://motivai.nl/product/motivatie-waterfles-motivai/, and try to select a different color it does not work.

It looks like it’s CookieYes plugin interferring with the selectors. Could this be a bug?

I deactivated the plugin and now all is working fine again. Please fix this.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Thijmen,

Thanks for reaching out to us. I have visited your site and enabled the CookieYes plugin.

But, I couldn’t find any issues as you reported. I have also tested the product link as a logged-in user and as a visitor.

You can check this screencast- https://www.loom.com/share/382f447672264e4cab04e47bcda5abfc

Thank You