Hi Zoltán,
Please share a product page link here.
Thank You
Hi Zoltán,
Please share a product page link here.
Thank You
Hi Zoltán,
Please add the following CSS to the customizer:
.woocommerce .elementor-4276 .elementor-element.elementor-element-e688fce form.cart table.variations td.value select, .woocommerce div.product.elementor.elementor-4276 .elementor-element.elementor-element-e688fce form.cart table.variations td.value:before {
line-height: normal;
By the way, it is coming from Elementor.
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Is there anything else we can do for you now?
Thank You
Thank you so much for your help! 🙂
Hi Zoltán,
I am glad that the issue is resolved.
Please don’t forget to share a review here.
Thanks a lot & have a great day
Dropdown line height
Zoltán Regőczy
Hi, I need some help with dropdown fields. Line heights is incorrect in desktop view. You can see on the image that there is a line in CSS that sets line heights to 1 px. Mobile view is OK. Can you pls help?