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Some swatch colors are showing blank. Please fix!

Shamira Green

Some swatch colors are showing blank, when they should be showing images. Some still show images but not many.
Here is a product no longer showing the image on variant color swatch:

Here is a product that still shows the image on variant color swatch:

I want to also point out that the following product does recognize the 3 different color variants (if you click on any of the colors you will see the slider ping to the correct image, yet it does not show in the swatch area:

Please help resolve this.

Golam Kibria

Hi Shamira,

Please check your products now.

You are using our Drop-down to image option.

Leave the attribute as the default select type to make the option functional.

Let me know if the problem is resolved.

Thank You

Shamira Green

I don’t recall changing but thank you for resolving it! All is well.

Take care,