Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Michael Mcmanus

Good morning

You have been very helpful so far. I have left a review.

I have products on my website with no “Colour” options. On the category page it is displaying thumbnails of the other options instead which in my opinion doesn’t look very good ie. choice of arms or sizes.

Is there  a way of turning off for the products affected? ie. show nothing rather than other product detail? on a product by product basis

Many thanks



Golam Kibria

Hi Michael,

Thanks a lot for your feedback.

Unfortunately, we did not see any new reviews.

Do you have the first attribute selected here?

Please select your desired attribute from the drop-down.

Let me know if this helps.

Thank You

Michael Mcmanus

HI yes I could see where I can choose which attribute shows, but to be honest I would prefer not to have any attributes showing on the cat page unless it is a colour option. Can you pleas find a way of choosing nothing rather than being forced to show sizes etc.