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Variation swatches crashes site when Acitvation under woodmart theme

Peter Wild

Hi there.  SOme days have passed since my last ticket. Now I#m calling for help again.
What heppened:   I migrated my website from Flatsome thema  to woodmart theme.
Most of the previous installed plugins work fine.  But the Variation Swatches for Woo Commerce Pro lead to a critical crash of my site while activating. I had to delete the plugin in the    /wordpress/wp-content/plugins – folder via Filezilla to access my wordpress site.
Please advice.

Golam Kibria

Hi Peter,

We apologize for the delayed response (it was our weekend).

Please give us temporary admin access to your site.

We will investigate the issue for you.

You can use this plugin to create a passwordless temporary admin access link.

Once created, please share the link here.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You

Peter Wild

Golam, your support is no longer needed as I deinstalled the theme woodmart and reinstalled Faltsome.
Thank you.


Golam Kibria

Hi Peter,

Thanks a lot for your confirmation.

If you need assistance with anything else, please let us know.

Thanks again & have a great day