Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Additional Variation Images Gallery not showing variation product varation

GOP Jesus

I am setting up a site with t-shirts that have two attributes, size and color. The attributes are NOT global attributes. They are locally defined within each product (Black | White | Lime) because that’s how the t-shirt printing company syncs their products to my WooCommerce store.

I have added three color variation images to each t-shirt in the Variation Product Gallery, but they do not show up when I select the color in the front-end. No matter what color I select, it just shows the product’s featured image.

I use this plugin on another site successfully so I went through all my settings and configurations on both sites side-by-side to see if anything was different. I am using the same theme template for both sites. The two sites are configured the same with one exception: on the working site, the color attribute is defined globally and on the broken site, the color attribute is defined per-product (I can’t change that). I don’t know if that is the issue, but please take a look and tell me how I can fix this.


GOP Jesus

Never mind, I figured it out.

The t-shirt company was actually setting three (not two) attributes. In addition to Size and Color, they had a Product variation, even though there was only one, and it wasn’t being selected because there was no default. Once I selected it on the product page, the gallery images were shown.

And then I just turned that attribute off so it doesn’t display and it all worked.

Another question though: I have to “add variation images” for my three images for each of eight different sizes. Is there a way to upload the images for the color on one size and then just have the other sizes in that color use the same three images? That would save a lot of time!


Hakik Zaman


Thanks for reaching out to us.

You can set up them like this.

I hope it will clear up your confusion.

Thank You

GOP Jesus

Oh, thanks, I will try that out. In the interim, I had found your other plugin that lets you copy images from one product to another and I went through and did that for all seven sizes for each color. Still tedious, but faster.
