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Filters by attribute / Show only match the variant that match with my filter

Rosa Leal

I’m using WooCommerce and have created a variable product with a “Color” attribute. This attribute has two options: black and white. I’ve created two variations of this product, one for each color.

I’ve added a filter to my product listings that allows customers to filter products based on color.

However, when I select “black” from the color filter, it still shows me both the black and white variations of the product. I’d like to refine this filter so that only the variations that match the selected color are displayed.

I’m using “Variation Swatches For WooCommerce Pro” to display the color variations.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Rosa,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

Unfortunately, our plugin doesn’t have a feature of Color Filtering.

Our plugin just adds color to the sidebar bar widget.

So, please use a filter plugin to achieve your goal.

Thank You