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Assistance with Displaying Color Variation Titles on Product Page

Luc Smits


I hope you’re doing well.

I would like to ask if it’s possible to display the title of each color variation next to the corresponding color swatch on my website’s product page. I have experience with CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, so implementing any necessary coding changes won’t be an issue for me.

Below, I’ve included links to my website’s color swatches and an example of the functionality I’m trying to achieve:

My website: https://kitgoed.staging.mindyourweb.info/product/ramsauer-110-acetaat/

Example: https://www.kitxpert.nl/ottoseal-s125-400ml-worst.html

I’ve attempted a few solutions already but haven’t been able to achieve the desired result. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance!

Hakik Zaman

Hi Luc,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

Unfortunately, this feature is not currently available.

But, it is on our to-do list. To achieve the appearance, we have to change our markup.

Unfortunately, I can’t speed up this process. Also, I can’t give you an expected time to accomplish of this feature.

You can also send this request here- https://storepress.fider.io/ to speed up the development process.

Thank You