Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

problem with first attribute and product variation image

I have a problem with your plugin. My products have attributes in a sparse way, so the variant image is associated with the first available attribute, when instead I would like the selector that shows the image to be associated only with the “color” attribute

Golam Kibria

Hi Giuseppe,

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

I have adjusted the attribute types for you.

Please check if you have the desired effect.

We will wait for your feedback.

Thank You

Ok now if I set from inside the article that the color attribute must show the image it works. I can massively apply this option to all products that have “Color” attribute

Golam Kibria

Hi Giuseppe,

I hope that you are doing great.

Did the change produce the desired effect for you?

I can massively apply this option to all products that have “Color” attribute.

Do you still have products that now show images for the color attributes?

If so, please share some product page links here.

Thank You

Golam Kibria

Hi Giuseppe,

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Unfortunately, the feature only works on the first attribute.

You must put color as the first attribute.

Follow this screencast to put color as the first attribute.

You must set this individually for each product.

If you have more questions or confusion, please let us know.

Thank you