Hi Zohair,
Thanks for reaching out to us. Please follow these steps:
Method 1:
=> Enable Catalog mode and select the First Attribute – https://paste.pics/RUGMG
=> Then Select Color from the Swatches Settings– https://snipboard.io/XbK9se.jpg
Method 2:
Note: This method will work if you have global attributes.
=> Enable Catalog mode and select Color – https://snipboard.io/5Tmu20.jpg
I hope these methods will help you to achieve your goal.
Thank You
Assistance Required for Displaying Product Variations on Category Pages
Zohair Uddin
Dear Team,
Could you kindly provide a solution or a workaround that would allow me to display selected attributes under the products on the category pages, excluding the “Size” attribute? We only want to show the color attribute below products on categories and those products which don’t have any colors, there should be nothing to appear but unfortunately you can see in the screenshot that size attribute is appearing in which there is no color. We have a pro version of swatches plugin.
Best regards,