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query path for first variation

Ricardo Araújo


I realised that the first variation doesn’t take on the query in the url, only the others.
After clicking on a variation that isn’t the first one, when you click on the first one again, it takes on the query of the last one that was clicked.

I don’t know if I explained myself very well, so I’ll leave you with this short video: https://streamable.com/kyd7mg

Looking forward to your feedback.

Golam Kibria

Hi Ricardo,

Are you facing an issue or have any query about our plugin.

Unfortunately, your ticket body does not make any sense.

Thank You

Ricardo Araújo

Hi Golam,

Sorry about the body of the ticket. It was late and I must have copied some piece of text that didn’t make sense and then didn’t notice…


I’ve updated the content of the first message. Please check.

Golam Kibria

Hi Ricardo,

I hope that you are doing great. Sorry for the delayed response (we had a holiday).

I tried to explain the issue to our team.

Unfortunately, the video is not available anymore.

Please share the video with us again.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You

Ricardo Araújo

Hi Golam,

It seems like its solved now. Maybe it was a cache issue?!

Thank you anyway, i’ll report again if it happens again.

Golam Kibria

Hi Ricardo,

Yes, it can be a caching(transients) issue.

Okay, please let us know if the issue resurfaces.

Thank You