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When updating free version, the pro version is deactivated

Hi there,

Why does the pro version of the plugin deactivate when I update the free version? I need to update the pro version as well, but the option is not there and I cannot activate it.

Kind regards,


Hakik Zaman

Hi Simon,

Thanks for reaching out to us. We are sorry for your inconvenience.

Version 2.1 series is a massive change, we have updated the whole codebase.

Please download the latest (v2.1.3) Swatches PRO version and use it with the latest Swatches Free version (v2.1.1).

Please note: Variation Swatches PRO has been deactivated intentionally to save from compatibility issues.

Please check this tutorial to update the Pro version manually: https://youtu.be/anzv8IsiP2o?si=Y3A0g68YApnIROW3

Thank You

Hi Golam,

Thanks so much for getting back to me so quickly! I purchased another pro licence as mine had expired (this site was using someone else’s licence that aren’t involved anymore) – and I manually updated the plugin.

Everything is looks to be running fine now!


Thanks so much,
