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Swatches for woocoomerce isn’t working

Guy Abelsohn


I have been trying to use your swatches for woocoomerce, however, the plugin is just not showing the swatches correctly.
It worked, then I deleted and added new products and it stopped working.
Now, the variations for all products are showing as the same, no matter what I do, and also the color and size swatches isn’t showing the actual color or the actual image for the size attribute.

Just check out this page for example –

Guy Abelsohn

Hey Golam,

I changed the custom product-level attibutes to the global color, however, it’s still not showing the color or the size image properly.
I did exactly as the tutorial, and nothing was changed. Can you please check?

Guy Abelsohn

Not only that, all of the products are not even reading the attributes correctly. I changed the attribute to one of the products and it didnt change on the front end.
Please help.

Guy Abelsohn


It’s still not working fine.
Now all products are showing the same color and same size though this product https://woocommerce-522203-4694419.cloudwaysapps.com/product/dress-with-petticoat
Has two colors.
Also, the color isn’t correct, I set it up as a different color on the backend.
Also, the size isn’t showing the image of the custom size attribute.
Previously it was working and now it just stopped working.
You can just the variatios and see for yourself.
Btw, before also as a simple product it was showing the colors and size properly.

Golam Kibria

Hi Guy,

I have just checked and it all looks good.

This can be due to caching.

If you still have the issue, please try clearing both browser and server-side caching.

I will wait for your feedback.

Thank You