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Subject: URL Changes on Staging Site and Potential Google Ranking Impact

Erdinc Güzelol


I hope you’re well. I’m currently working on redesigning my staging site. After some initial issues with adjusting the quantity settings for products, I found someone who created a custom code that now works according to my requirements. However, I’ve noticed that when selecting different quantities, the product URL changes (see the attached screenshot).

My concern is that since many of these products are already indexed by Google and have good rankings, the URL changes might cause Google to no longer recognize them, potentially harming their rankings or making the pages harder to find.

Is my assumption correct? What can be done to prevent any negative impact on the rankings?

Thank you in advance for your advice.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Erdinc,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

Unfortunately, our plugin doesn’t change the URL after selecting different quantities.

Our plugin just changes URLs on selecting variations when you have enabled this option.

Note: We don’t generate URLs, we just use the WooCommerce URL by clicking on the variations.

Thank You