Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Issue with PW Gift Card plugin

kamil karw

Hi, I’m using free extension for gift cards. Variation swatches unfortunatelly changes option to image, as you can see in attached link. I’m unable to change the button type to radio or whatever, because product type is PW Gift Card and there’s no “Swatches settings” on product edit page.

Golam Kibria

Hi Kamil,

Please give us temporary admin access to your site. We will investigate the issue for you.

You can create a passwordless temporary login link with this plugin.
Add the link in the Site Access section.

Please reply to the ticket once you have added the temporary login link.

Thank You

kamil karw

Hi, sorry but I can’t give access to clients website. I sent a ticket once and got an access from support for staging website, is it possible? You can try installing also PW gift card plugin, create product, chose from product type pw gift card, add featured photo and see the result – all buttons are images

Golam Kibria

Hi Kamil,

Please help us replicate the issue on the following test site:

User: admin
Password: 9N90b2W5yMYQ

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You

kamil karw

Thanks, I created a gift card product here:



but we need pro extension, otherwise swatches aren’t replaced with image (setting unavailable in free).

With If variation has no image then show image from main product. ticked, it will change variation to image and it’s not possible to disable it individually on product edit page, however as I type just noticed that woo_variation_swatches_options is hidden if product is not variable, not disabled. Interesting

Golam Kibria

Hi Kamil,

Thanks a lot for setting up the product.

I have added the premium plugin to the test site.

However as I type just noticed that woo_variation_swatches_options is hidden

Good catch. Yes, the plugin only targets Variable products.

Please try this.

I will wait for your feedback.

Thank You