Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Site speed 10x slower with pro version

Steven Palmer

Hi there, I can’t find my license key as both my download pages show expired, however we renewed on 10th July (order number #135073)


We’ve been experiencing some performance issues on our website and our hosts have created a clone of our site and done some testing and have discovered that with the Pro version enabled the site is 10x slower and taking 10-15 seconds to load (without Litespeed cache).  Is there anything you can do to help us?

Steven Palmer

Here are some answers to some of the questions you may ask:

Also a video showing just how big the difference is https://www.loom.com/share/4f4ecbcdd1244bc3b0cade2667cff7f5?sid=096fd93e-d441-43ab-81fa-f83d01c6abad

Tried with and without litespeed object cache

With 15+ seconds TTFB Load times

700 DB Queries (Takes 5 Seconds)


Without 7+ seconds TTFB load times

2 DB Queries

Disabled all plugins except

Litespeed cache
Query Monitor
Variation Swatches for WooCommerce
Variation Swatches for WooCommerce – Pro

Disabling Variation Swatches for WooCommerce – Pro drastically improves performance
Tried turning off Cloudflare proxy for the cloned website
Archive variation threshold is set to 0

Hakik Zaman

Hi Steven,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

Please open another ticket for your account/license issue.

So that I can forward that to our Sales and Marketing team.

For the site performance:

=> How many approximate variations do you have with each product?

=> How many products you have displayed on the shop/archive page?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You

Steven Palmer

Hi Hakik,

We sell workwear so some items have large variations (8 sizes and 80 colours so 640 variations), others might only have 10 or so.

Our shop archive pages are showing approx 40 products per page.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Steven,

You are displaying a huge number of variations.

It is ideal to keep 12-15 products on the first load of the shop/archive page. Then you can use pagination or, an Ajax Load More plugin to display the rest of the products.

You can increase the Archive variation threshold from 0 to 15.

Also, we recommend a persistent cache like Redis Object Cache.

Please make sure your hosting supports the Redis Object Cache. If so, please ask them to enable it for your site.

Then use this plugin- https://wordpress.org/plugins/redis-cache/

We have built-in support for the Redis Object Cache.

Then check whether it meets your expected speed or not.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You

Steven Palmer

Hi Hakik


In regard to your reply, the site is already using object cache, as shown in the video with Query Monitor.

Changing the Archive variation threshold makes no difference.


The plugin runs fine if using the free version, it is a problem with the Pro version that causes the slowdown.

I have done some more digging and found that it looks to be an issue with the Shoptimizer theme and the swatches plugin. Disabling the theme improves the performance drastically.

As this only occurs when both Shoptimizer theme and the Pro variation swatches plugin are both active, it seems that there is an issue in the pro version that conflicts with the theme.

There are pages on the site with no variations visible that still take 10+ seconds to load while the plugin is active (The help centre page for example).

This theme is fundamental to our store so we need the pro version to not conflict with it.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Steven,

As I said in my previous reply, you have a big number variation. When you enable swatches on the shop/archive page, a loop inside loop called to bring product’s variation from the database. It takes more time when you have more variations.

If you have already persistent cache and you are not satisfied with the speed, unfortunately, there are no more suggestion from my side. 😞

If you are not satisfied you can claim a refund.

Please let me know your opinion.

Thank You

Steven Palmer

Hi Hakik,

My point is that this hasn’t been a problem until recently, I’m assuming when a plugin or theme has been updated, which seems to be causing the conflict.  Up until this last week we’ve not experienced such issues.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Steven,

We have released our last version about 1 month ago.

In recent weeks we haven’t released any update.

I can see you have already performed plugin compatibility.

So, it is tough to point to a conflicting plugin.

In that case, you can try a default theme like Storefront.

Thank You