Hi Angel,
Thanks for reaching out to us.
You can use WooCommerce API to create different types of attributes using our Variation Swatches Plugin.
You can install our Free version. Then try-
GET Request: wp-json/wc/v3/products/attributes/<attribute_id>/terms/<id>
You will get a response like:
"woo_variation_swatches": {
"attribute_type": "color",
"primary_color": "#1e73be",
"secondary_color": "",
"is_dual_color": false,
"dual_color_angle": "-45deg",
"image_id": 0,
"image_size": "variation_swatches_image_size",
"group": "",
"group_name": "",
"tooltip": "",
"tooltip_text": "",
"tooltip_image_id": 0
Then you can also use PUT to update terms.
PUT Request: wp-json/wc/v3/products/attributes/<attribute_id>/terms/<id>
You can get an example from woo-variation-swatches > includes > class-woo-variation-swatches-wc-api-response.php > line number 89
I hope this information will help.
Thank You
Creating attributes through the Woocommerce API
Angel Julian Mena
Hi, I’m looking for a plugin to be able to define different types of attributes through the WooCommerce API. I would like to know if this plugin is possible and if you have any documentation on this. I hope you can help me with this.
Thanks in advance