Hi shinji,
Displaying variations on the email is not a feature of our plugin.
Could you disable our Swatches plugin and check if it is working without our plugin or not?
Thank you
Hi shinji,
Displaying variations on the email is not a feature of our plugin.
Could you disable our Swatches plugin and check if it is working without our plugin or not?
Thank you
What I meant is that when a client purchases a product with only one variation, it works and displays correctly in the email. However, when there are two or more product variations selected, it does not display properly in the email- There is no description (e.g mahogany, maple, black colors).
I can provide screenshots but it is not working here.
Hi shinji,
Displaying variations on the email is not a feature of our plugin.
Disable our Swatches plugin and check if it is working without our plugin or not.
Thank You
Multiple Variations error
shinji perado
Adding two or three variations is not showing on the email new order notifications.