Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation For Free? Download Now

Questions on plugin functionality

Hello. I would like to buy a premium plugin for my site, but I have a few questions to determine if your plugin is a good fit for me.

1. The online store uses the “Impreza” theme (https://themeforest.net/item/impreza-retina-responsive-wordpress-theme/6434280?ref=UpSolution&license=regular&open_purchase_for_item_id=6434280&purchasable=source&clickthrough_id=1434541338&redirect_back=true) How compatible is this plugin with the theme? Will I be able to install product variants in the catalog page in the product cards without additional intervention in the code?

2. I need to display the weight of the product, which in Woocommerce is not presented as a product attribute, but as a product variant. Will I be able to display these variants in the catalog page for each product?

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Golam Kibria

Hi Yevhenii,

I hope that you are doing great. Thanks a lot for your interest in our plugin.

We are not aware of any incompatibility with the mentioned theme (Impreza).

If you have a custom product loop, you can use our shortcode to include the swatches.

And, we are always here to help you out.

2. I need to display the weight of the product, which in Woocommerce is not presented as a product attribute, but as a product variant. Will I be able to display these variants in the catalog page for each product?

Please share a product page link so I can understand this better.

Thank You