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Display position; Before add to cart button/ After add to cart button

Melissa Jonker


If I do ‘for the ‘Add to cart’ button, the plugin does the same for the product name and that is of course not the intention. I’ve left it on the website like this, so you can see what I mean: https://an-nahl.com/webshop/

– > Note: Some theme remove default woocommerce hooks that why it’s may not work as expected. For theme compatibility please open a ticket.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Melissa,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

Can you please share where do you want to display the swatches?

Also, we need access to your site to check your theme’s hook. You can use this plugin to share a temporary login link to access your site.

Note: Some theme changes the hook positions. So, theme-wise it may behave differently.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You