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Clickable Out Of Stock item

Simon Bozek

First of all, I bought a Variation Swatches For WooCommerce – Starter Lifetime subscription which doesnt show up in my account.

My actual problem with the plugin is that I can’t click “Out Of Stock items” anymore since the last Woocommerce update I guess, even if I uncheck and check the box for “Clickable Out Of Stock item” in the plugin options again.


Best Regards


Golam Kibria

Hi Simon,

We are sorry for the inconvenience and the delayed response.

Please give us temporary admin access to your site. We will investigate the issue for you.

You can create a passwordless temporary login link with this plugin.
Add the link in the Site Access section.

Please notify us here once you have added the temporary login link.

Do you have any order numbers listed here?

Thank you