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Variations as single products on archive pages do not show the swatches

I use a plugin to show the variations of the products as single products on category pages.
the problem is that the swatches won’t show up for these items on the category pages.
I tried every single plugins to see if one of them is compatible with your plugin or not. but none of them works with your plugin.
I also tried to add the class of the products container to the wrapper selector of your plugin , it did not work either.
Is there any solution for my problem ?

Hakik Zaman

Hi Ali,

Thanks for reaching out to us. We are sorry for our late reply.

Note: There is a massive student protest ongoing within the country, and the government has shut down the internet for the past five daysYou can check the situation on YouTube if you want more information. Now the internet is available with very limited speed.

When you display variation as a single product that product itself is a variation. So, the swatches will not display with those products. The swatches will be displayed with the parent product. For example- Hoodie is a variable product. Hoodie Blue is a variation. If you display Hoodie Blue as a product. Hoodie Blue will not display the swatches but, Hoodie will display swatches.

I hope this will clear up your confusion.

Thank You

Thank you for your reply. Yes I understand the logic behind the decision. But as a user of your plugin I’m telling you that there is a problem here;
For example a product has 3 variation for different sizes, and 10 color attributes. We create 3 variations only , not 30 (3×10) variations. On the shop page we need the color swatches to be shown under each variation.

It is even worse for products with more attributes . for example we have some products with 3 group of attributes , each group contains more than 10 attributes. it is not possible to create 1000 single variations (10 x 10 x 10).

The reason of showing the swatches under the products is to inform the visitors that there are other options available. The single variations on the shop page are not an exception (because they are also customizable).

We need to show the same swatches as the main product , under each single variation.

I tried to add the class of the products container to the wrapper selector of your plugin , it did not work.

How can I solve the problem?

Hakik Zaman

Hi Ali,

Unfortunately, the feature is not currently available.

Please send the feature request here: https://storepress.fider.io/

and ask your other to upvote it.


Thank you for your reply.
I am familiar with coding , Could you give me some hints to solve the problem please? Because I can not wait to see if you’re going to fix it in your updates or not.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Ali,

As you are familiar with coding, you can check the woo-variation-swatches-pro > includes > class-woo-variation-swatches-pro-archive-page.php. Then check the method enable_swatches.

Then check the code and write it as per your need.

Thank You