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Change of attribute order – Swatch order does not follow suit


We have a product here https://paramo-clothing.com/en-gb/explore-range/product/mens-velez-jacket/

We wanted to reorder the swatches so that the puffin bill/cyan (orange and blue) colour swatch was last on the list as it has run out of stock.

I changed the pipe separated list in the Product Data > Attributes part of the edit product page.

This has had the desired effect of reordering the swatch options. However, the colour assignment of those swatches has stayed in place. This has made it so that the Black option has an orange and blue coloured swatch

2024-07-15 12_45_47-Swatches not lining up with set attribute.pn

Hey Hakik,

You are correct in respect to global attributes.

These are not global attributes they are specific to the products involved 🙂

Kind Regards,

David Tattersall

Hakik Zaman

Hi David,

These are not global attributes they are specific to the products involved

In that case, you have to reorder them manually by editing attribute values from the product edit page.

Thank You

Hi Hakik,

Absolutely agree,

This is what I did

I changed the pipe separated list in the Product Data > Attributes part of the edit product page.

This has had the desired effect of reordering the swatch options. However, the colour assignment of those swatches has stayed in place. This has made it so that the Black option has an orange and blue coloured swatch

The problem is that when the attributes are reordered, their respective assigned colours don’t go with them. They stay in that order, so in my case “black” went from second place to first place and now “black” has the colours for “puffin bill/cyan” assigned to it. This has had an effect on all the colours for this product as the order has been bumped along by one place. Do reference attached image above in original post 🙂

Kind Regards,

David Tattersall

Hakik Zaman

Hi David,

Could you record me reproducing your issue using a tool like this? https://www.useloom.com
It helps me to quickly figure out the issue.

Thank you

Hakik Zaman

Hi David,

I think I understand your issue now.

If it is a custom/product level attribute and you have reordered them, then you have to change the color setup from the Swatches Settings tab.

We set the value based on the position of attribute values. Once you add them and save the product attributes, it saves based on the attribute value’s position number.

I have recorded a demo for you here- https://www.loom.com/share/3b3f7f7595cb41a39da026a2e06ca5dc

I hope this will clear up your confusion.

Thank You

Thanks for this, we’ll move to global attributes then much appreciated

Kind Regards,

David Tattersall