Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

The color of the selected variation does not change

Thank you for the plugin, it’s great. I had one difficulty. I have assigned the color of the selected variation https://prnt.sc/HqbuGG95lUE4 but it is still white https://primaeinkauf.de/product/platzsparende-kleiderbuegel/. Please help to understand what the problem is and solve it.

If possible, please make the name of the variation centered on the left edge.
So variations with a long name will look better on mobile. https://prnt.sc/J8Ih5h702I80

Hakik Zaman

Hi Svitlana,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

I had one difficulty. I have assigned the color of the selected variation https://prnt.sc/HqbuGG95lUE4 but it is still white https://primaeinkauf.de/product/platzsparende-kleiderbuegel/.

By default, the tick will be displayed with the color/image swatches. You have displayed button swatches on that product.

You can display the tick for the button swatches by adding the following CSS at Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS

.woo-variation-swatches .variable-items-wrapper .variable-item.selected:not(.no-stock) .variable-item-contents:before {
background-image: var(--wvs-tick);
background-position: 50%;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 60%;
content: " ";
display: block;
height: 100%;
position: absolute;
width: 100%;

If possible, please make the name of the variation centered on the left edge.

You can try the following CSS at Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS

span.variable-item-span.variable-item-span-button {
text-align: left;

Thank You