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We cannot get into the account with logins details , kindly reset us a new password.

User name: Starflix Vilnius

Golam Kibria

Hi Lina,

I am forwarding the ticket to my team.

Please share the email address associated with the account.

This will help speed up the process.

Thank You

Golam Kibria

Hi Lina,

I hope that you are doing great.

We have got your email reply.

I have forwarded your ticket to my team.

We will notify you of the update.

Note: please reply to the ticket for a faster response. We (the support team) do not have direct access to the email.

Thank You

Golam Kibria

Hi Lina,

We have sent you a password reset link here: [email protected]

Is there anything else we can do for you now?

Thank You