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Igor Maly


I have recently started to encounter errors when syncing between my sites in a WooMultistore setup.

I have been advised by WooMultistore team to turn off Variation Swatches temporarily, and it has indeed helped to solve my problems. It looks like there is something uncompatible between Swatches v2.1+ and WooMultistore.

Can I download an older version of Swatches to test the compatibility? Version 2.0.31 would be a great point to start. From regular interface I cannot downgrade.

Thank you,


Hakik Zaman

Hi Igor,

Thanks for getting back to us.

You can clear your transient like this- https://paste.pics/R9364 and try again.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You

Igor Maly


Clearing transients did not help the issues with multistore sync.

So far the only (or, fastest) way was to deactivate Swatches plugin for the duration of sync.

As the synchronization can happen at any time, it would be best if I used a version(s) of the plugin which do not cause the conflict.


Igor Maly

Thank you, it helped. You helped.

Honestly, I am not certain which plugin is “causing” the incompatibility and sync errors, be it either Swatches, or the WooMultistore.  I only know that with 2.0.31, everything runs smoothly.

I cannot investigate further, I need the sites up and running. If you feel like looking deeper into it, I am on (currently) latest versions of everything (WP, WooCommerce, WooMultistore, etc.). For the time being, I will avoid updating anything.

Kind regards,


Hakik Zaman

Hi Igor,

You can add this patch version on your parent and child site- https://we.tl/t-24E4Bo03Dq

Then use the updated Pro version(2.1.3). When an update will be released don’t hesitate to update the plugin.

The fix will also be added in the upcoming version.

Thank You