Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Hide feature image on gallery is not working for variation products

Raja G

Hi Team,

We have a website with Divi theme and installed a child theme.

Problem to fix: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/XS7MXWi2pnZhVzF3Dwyz7jcAK9yHhlHFjSwbIYp1ZFw8O3c8syMtsMPruO6xaYbg.mnoRPJ_l3iC1Wdyh

The product single page elements built with Divi builder and “Woo Product images” widget used to display the variation images https://prnt.sc/nQrbff7g1MDu. Here we found the settings to hide the feature image but this also not doing anything.

Sample product page: https://wordpress-1005882-4127382.cloudwaysapps.com/product/sweetheart-bouquet/

So, we have tried to hide (https://prnt.sc/x5jP-eVegk7I) the feature image on the single product page gallery slider but seems it’s not working. The feature image is loading as a default image for all variations as said in the video above. Also, we noticed that the same issue already raised in the forum by some other people and as your team suggested in that tickets, we disabled the other Woocommerce plugins, but still we are facing the same issue.

We tried with the WooCommerce filter “woocommerce_single_product_image_thumbnail_html” but the parameter $html is empty and 2nd parameter $attachment_id awlays returns 0. So we cannot fix this.

Please advice.


Hakik Zaman

Hi Raja,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

You didn’t add the variation image thumbnail.

Please add the additional image as a variation image here- https://paste.pics/R8B83

Then try again. Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You

Raja G

Hey Hakik Zaman,

Thank you very much for informing me. I thought it was an icon. Greatly appreciated!

Thanks again!