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I have problems with Attribute Style disabled, I select blur with cross and it does not perform this action.

It presents the attribute as available, not clickable.

Please help.

Thank you

Golam Kibria

Hi Alejandra,

We apologize for the inconvenience you are facing.

Please give us temporary admin access to your site. We will investigate the issue for you.

You can create a passwordless temporary login link with this plugin.
Add the link in the Site Access section.

Please notify us here once you have added the temporary login link.

Thank you

Golam Kibria

Hi Alejandra,

Have you removed the link? I was prompted to insert a username and password.
To make the blur and cross-feature work with the basic version of our Swatches plugin, you need to enable this option from WooCommerce settings.

Note: The basic version has a limitation on the number of supported variations. If you have products with more than 30 variations, you will need the premium version.

Let me know if this helps resolve the issue.
Otherwise, please generate another link and share it with us.
Thank You

No, the problem is that it does not allow you to correctly select the variations, sometimes it allows you to select some, and not others, even if there is inventory in all of them, it does not allow you to choose

Golam Kibria

Hi Alejandra,

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

The link you have shared does not work.

Will you please check if the link is still valid?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You

Golam Kibria

Hi Alejandra,

Please check now.

The cross is applied for out-of-stock options (you had to enable this option).

BTW, some of the product options are not clickable. This seems to be coming from your theme.

Here is a screencast I have made during my investigation.

Thank You