Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Alex Morris


We are having a problem with the product page layout when your plugin is enabled.

This is how it looks without the plugin enabled – as you can see the image is on the left and the description is on the right as it should be

without plugin.png


When I enable your plugin, the main image becomes huge and takes over the whole screen (a bit like it would happen on a mobile layout). On a desktop this is really bag as essentially you cannot see the product clearly…


with plugins.pngwith plugin 2.png

Alex Morris

nevermind I understood what you meant


What I am confused about is why this happened. It changed by itself – it was fine before and then we updated the plugin one day and it must have changed the width settings…


That shoudl not happen though shouldn’t it?

Golam Kibria

Hi Alex,

Yes, I agree with you.

We have made the gallery width dynamic.

Unfortunately, it does not produce great results on every theme.

I will request my team to take the necessary actions so this does not happen.

Thank you and have a great day