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Variations Not Working

Hi, Variation Swatches is not working properly on my site, fanshoppe.ca. Here are two examples on two different browsers. If there are more on other browsers, I would hope you would investigate and fix them all.

Working on product loop but not on product page

Not working on product loop but works on product page

Please assist, thx

Hakik Zaman

Hi Patrick,

Thanks for getting back to us.

Please flush all the caches like- browser cache, caching plugin cache, and server-side cache [if you have one].

From my inspection, everything is working as expected- https://www.loom.com/share/cdb070bbcd3b49809ab081031abf72f5

Thank You

Hi, I flushed all caches and that did not solve the problem on Chrome. As I wrote earlier, in Chrome the plugin works on the product loop but not on the product page. That was still the case after I flushed all caches, including the browser cache.

However, now I have discovered a trick to get the plugin to work on the product page, and I hope this will help you troubleshoot the issue:


As you can see in the video clip, when the page initially loads, the plugin doesn’t work. But if I then refresh the page, the plugin works.

Please help me get the plugin working correctly.


Hakik Zaman

Hi Patrick,

Please disable the server-side cache and caching plugin on your site. Then try it on the chrome.

From my inspection, caching is causing this issue- https://paste.pics/R3LRG

Your server is responding 403 error code.

Thank You

Hi, I’m using FlyingPress for caching. Indeed, when I deactivate the plugin, Variation Swatches works correctly.

With FlyingPress, I can exclude specific files from being deferred or delayed. Perhaps this could be the solution. Can you tell me which Variation Swatches files need to be excluded from being deferred or delayed to ensure the plugin continues to work properly while I have FlyingPress activated?

I look forward to hearing back from you.


Hakik Zaman

Hi Patrick,

Please try to exclude the below scripts:




Thank You

That did the trick – problem resolved.

Thank you, and you can go ahead and close this ticket.