Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation For Free? Download Now

Select variation does not show variation

Paul Maes


Messing around for a few hours but when I select a product variation it does not show the variation in my shop. What am I missing?

See attachment. When I want to selct the grey option….it does not show the grey option etc etc etc.

select product variation.JPG

Golam Kibria

Hi Paul,

Please share the page URL where we can inspect the issue.

Thank You

Golam Kibria

Hi Paul,

Please give us temporary admin access to your site. We’ll try to investigate the issue for you.

You can create a passwordless temporary login with this plugin.

Add the link to the header section of the ticket.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank you

Paul Maes

Thanks for your help. I will first try to solve it myself and if not i will sent you the credentials for you to look.



Paul Maes

I have spent almost 10 hours trying to get your pro plugin to work but it just aint working. It is impossible to sum up what I have done to make it work but it just isn’t going to work. The free version is working fine. When activating the pro plugin I get into unimaginable amounts of problems.

I can give you the login credentials but my site is too complex so I do not think you will solve it.


Paul Maes


Can I get a refund please?

Your pro plugin just does not work.

Golam Kibria

Hi Paul,

Please share the order number here.

We need this to process your request.

Thank You

Paul Maes

I will try to make it work today and will spent another 20 hours to get it to work. The problem is that your pro plugin has too many options [ bloating ] which will make things more difficult.

When I really not get it to work….even the basic thing as showing the swatches on the shop page I will sent you the ordernumber for refund. Then this has taken almost 30 hours trying to get it working.

Golam Kibria

Hi Paul,

The swatches should appear on the archive pages once you activate the premium plugin, as the option is enabled by default.

If you have a custom archive loop, please use this shortcode.

I believe that we can help you reach your goal faster.

I also think that you have a plugin conflict.

Please kindly do a plugin compatibility check by doing these steps to identify the error :

=> Deactivate your additional plugins except WooCommerce and WooCommerce Variation Swatches Plugin.

=> See if the problem persists. If the issue is resolved, you can tell which plugin might be the culprit of this error by activating your additional plugins individually.

To avoid confusion, take help from our documentation and video guides.

In addition to that, we are here to answer your queries.

Thank You

Paul Maes

The swatches should appear on the archive pages once you activate the premium plugin, as the option is enabled by default. >>>> Yes. They appear on the archive pages….however……when i select a variation…..it does not show the variation product.

I also think that you have a plugin conflict. >>>> That is what i am trying to figure out……and it takes hours and hours to figure this out because i have 47 active plugins. I am also deferring and make exceptions on delay javascripts but after countless hours I did not find the issue that solves the problems.

To avoid confusion, take help from our documentation and video guides. >>>> useless because these only show what you can do with the plugin…….does not show conflicts with other plugins.


Paul Maes

So I have tested everything possible and found the issue. I use another plugin https://www.smart-variations.com/

which makes it easy to add variation images in bulk instead of adding them manually on sometimes 92 variations of a product…..saves me 2 hours work adding a new product so it is an essential. I used this plugin with https://codecanyon.net/item/wooswatches-woocommerce-color-or-image-variation-swatches/7444039 swatches plugin but got no updates anymore so i needed to switch to your plugin. The combination between this plugin https://www.smart-variations.com/ and this plugin https://codecanyon.net/item/wooswatches-woocommerce-color-or-image-variation-swatches/7444039 worked seamlessly on the shop page.

I do not know the solution. Maybe you have a solution?

Also another issue. I use Perfmatters to delay js scripts but whatever I do with your plugin and delay or defer all your js files……the product page loads extremely slow and it is not possible to chose variations…..they just are not clickable. When i turn off delay javascripts all works fine but then my core web vitals in google pagespeed insights go down 98%. Any solution?

Trust me. I have spent almost 25 hours trying to make it work……cannot get it to work.

Golam Kibria

Hi Paul,

The swatches should appear on the archive pages once you activate the premium plugin, as the option is enabled by default. >>>> Yes. They appear on the archive pages….however……when i select a variation…..it does not show the variation product.

During my investigation last time I saw that clicks were not recorded. It was like clicking on an empty space on the page.

By the way…….your [ free ] plugin came packed with this theme I bought > https://themeforest.net/item/moderno-fashion-furniture-store-woocommerce-theme/45459282

So very strange it does not work out the box

If you are using a custom archive loop then the feature may not work out of the box. We have a shortcode to deal with this.

I also think that you have a plugin conflict. >>>> That is what i am trying to figure out……and it takes hours and hours to figure this out because i have 47 active plugins. I am also deferring and make exceptions on delay javascripts but after countless hours I did not find the issue that solves the problems.

Please exclude our plugin resources from the deferred list.

Also another issue. I use Perfmatters to delay js scripts but whatever I do with your plugin and delay or defer all your js files……the product page loads extremely slow and it is not possible to chose variations…..they just are not clickable. When i turn off delay javascripts all works fine but then my core web vitals in google pagespeed insights go down 98%. Any solution?

You need to exclude our JS from the list. Our JS is served deferred by default.

In microsift Edge a product with more then 5 colour variations………main product image does not show.

This also sounds like a plugin conflict issue.

Thank You

Paul Maes

Ok. Thanks for your help. Tonight I will try again.

Paul Maes


I see some tickets regarding the smart variation images plugin from SVI. You had in the past a migration option but not anymore. What is the best and fastest workaround to get rid of the smart variations plugin. The one super time saving option is [see image] the ability to not have to add a lot of extra variation images per product or variation.

