Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation For Free? Download Now

Images are not displayed in backend variations

idntity foryou

I already have variations that work well on the site.
What is happening right now is that the variations that include images are displayed well on the front of the site
But I’m trying to edit the images of the variations behind the scenes, meaning in the site administration or I’m trying to add a new variation that includes an image, I don’t have the image field at all! He just doesn’t exist



Hakik Zaman

Hi idntity,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Unfortunately, I was unable to access your admin panel- https://paste.pics/R08PT

Do you have any area-wise restrictions on your site? If so, here is my IP address-

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You

Hakik Zaman

Hi idntity,

I have visited your Products > Attributes

I couldn’t find an image-type attribute on your attribute list.

Please make an attribute with image-type and then try again.

Please check this tutorial to make an image-type attribute- https://youtu.be/ZcLAdSKW4kA

Thank You

idntity foryou

I managed, there was something in the settings that I needed to fix

Thank you!