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Change position of variations on archive

Joel Mellin


We would like to move the variations on archive page up just below the product title.

We are using this theme:

OceanWP Version: 3.5.5

Hakik Zaman

Hi Joel,

Thanks for reaching out to us. You can add the following snippet using the Code Snippets plugin-

add_action('woo_variation_swatches_pro_archive_page_loaded', function($wvs_pro){
remove_action('woocommerce_init', array( $wvs_pro, 'enable_swatches' ), 1);
add_action('ocean_after_archive_product_title', array( $wvs_pro, 'after_shop_loop_item' ), 20);
}, 10, 1);

Please let me know whether it helps to achieve your goal or not.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You